Tuesday, August 16, 2005


This past Monday we went over to our friend Giuliano's house. It was his birthday (and some kind of religious holiday) and a great excuse for everyone to get together and have some cake and pizza.
I always particularly enjoy going to Giuliano's: his father is a pilot and always seems to have a good story to tell, both Giuliano and his brother Marco like to play the guitar and so we sometimes "jam" together (which we did yesterday... I took the mandolin!), and last but not least, he has a great basketball court. We got to play a few games yesterday before soccer won over on popular vote.
Here's a picture of Amy and some of the girls from the community (L-R: Amy, Gisele, Aninha, Roberta and Jussara and of Simon course pretending to be a panther and eating his own arm!).

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