Sunday, August 20, 2006

croissants + butecos + bibles

Thursday morning, me, Alan and Wandson (who both we part of the project in Campinas), Leo, Thiaguinho and Diego (all friends and graduates or soon-to-be graduates from UFMG) left out of our garage at 7'ish in the morning to head back to Campinas. We drove down in part for the road trip benefits... to have the time together and two, to visit and reconnect with the friends we made at Unicamp. We just got back last night at almost midnight after three very full days. It's hard to pick a highlight from such an intense trip (we were out and about by 9 a.m. on Friday and didn't go back to our houses and sleep until almost 3 a.m.) but here's some of my favorite moments: croissants at the German bakery, conversation at the Star Clean about truth, discussion about our major questions in life on campus, hamburgers and world travel stories with João at Ponto Final, hearing André sing samba music at Fernando's bar in front of the dorms, and the moment that the band came up to accompany Andred singing the song he wrote about always wanting to write a song. Hearing Vinícius' story about how he began following Christ last year, and playing the cuzo at the ice cream store were also highlights.

Thanks to all of you who made the trip so special: Débora, Juliana, Ju, Carol, Gustavo, Vinícius, João, André, Paulo, Andred, Ricardo, Tucker, Gui, Chuck and many more.


Anonymous said...

Its great to hear that things are well in Campinas! I miss everyone and am jealous to hear that you got to see all of our new friends. We miss you Brasillians and Dowdys!

--Shelley said...

I too am jealous. And, I just wish I would have called Amy those 3 days she was "alone". It is so good to hear about your trip.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff!!!!!!!! Eu estava vendo o blog do Chip e Shelley e acabei achando o seu. Muito bom ver a nossa foto de quando vocês vieram para cá nos reencontrar! Obrigada pelos agradecimentos, mas saiba que se nós fizemos a sua viagem especial, vocês fizeram nossas férias serem maravilhosas. Obrigada a vc, Alan e Wandson! Eu adorei conhecer os outros mineiros também. Voltem logo! Saudades... beijão da Debão!