Thursday, July 21, 2005

Rafael Maia talks about the CCP

It's incredible how God has worked in my life during this first semester (ended July 1). I'm so happy and encouraged by what has happened. Since the last beach project (3 week training program at the beginning of the year), I see how God has opened my eyes and has shown me that "I am more sinful than I can imagine" and how "God is greater than I can imagine", which oftentimes can sound cliché but is the greatest truth.

It's clear that understanding this has affected my life in every way. I can see how my view of the Christian community has grown and how this has led me to build deeper and real relationships. That's been so important for my walk with Christ. Also I can see how my view of discipleship and evangelism have grown and how my prayer life is changing.

Also I'm really encouraged with the growth that is happening in our community of believers. I've seen how people are experiencing more of God... how they've built deeper relationships and how they're willing to serve. For me that was so evident during the time the CCP was here (Cross Cultural Project - students involved with Campus Outreach spend 2 months ministering with us on the campus during their summer break). From what I could see, everyone was desirous to have a deep relationship with them, seeing in them an opportunity to know God more and to partner with them on the campus, meeting new students and sharing their faith.

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