Wednesday, July 20, 2005

back to where it started

This morning I was talking with my cousin, Jason Shiver, on the phone and a lot of timelines seemed to cross. Since last year I've been talking with Jason about speaking at the church where he is currently an associate pastor. Interestingly enough the pastor is the uncle (I think, relative for sure) of Vince Strawbridge who attended Samford University with me and was my big brother in the Sigma Chi fraternity. That's the first timeline overlap, I guess you could say.

Well, Jason calls me today and says that maybe this weekend would work out. Then he kind of laughs and proceeds to tell me that Paul Boyd was also asked to come in and speak this weekend. Paul (next timeline) went to West Georgia with Jason and I and was involved in Campus Outreach with us. Paul and I were on a beach project together for two summers and lived in the same dormitory for a couple of weeks.

So, this weekend I think (not confirmed yet) I'll be driving down to Ocala, Florida and I'll see Paul for the first time in years and years. Vince even said that he might show up. I haven't seen Vince since he visited Amy and me in Bainbridge during our first year of marriage. Small world? Coincidence? Something bigger? We'll see.

1 comment:

Jeff Dowdy said...

Bad news... Paul "Tall Boy" Boyd isn't going to make it to Ocala this weekend. So that kind of blows my hopes of reconnecting, etc... I'm still trying to secure some time with Vince though. We'll see how it works out.