Sunday, June 18, 2006


O.k. so, yesterday during the US game I was the one who cheered the longest before realizing that the Beasley goal was called back. I hope many of you got a chance to see the national team play. It was the best game so far of the World Cup. They played the second half with only 9 men (against 10) and still managed to come close to scoring a second goal (the first was an own-goal by Italy). Keller, the goalie, also performed well enough to undo all my criticism of him from the first game.

Today is Brasil vs. Australia.


Anonymous said...

great soccer, but I rather see Lucy crawling! Send out a video soon!
Sue Sue

Anonymous said...

"own" goal

Phonetically close - (I do that all the time). We're surprised your proof reader (Amy) didn't catch that.

TW in ATown