Monday, July 31, 2006

soccer ambassadors

Two of my teammates put together an incredible event this past week that ended yesterday. Fernando Rodrigues and Chris Blazer invited down a group of men from Briarwood Presbiterian Church in Birmingham for a week of ministry to the youth at a poor neighborhood (favela) where Fernando disciples several young men. They kicked off the week with a three-day retreat where they played soccer and studied the Bible. The next day they took the kids for a day at a carnival, and then the Brazilians took the visiting Americans to see Galo play in the Mineirão. And yesterday they finalized the activities by visiting our church, IPSion. Pray that this ministry would continue to bear fruit in a place with such great needs and that the group from Briarwood could have a smooth trip home despite Varig's bankruptcy. (So for any of you planning a visit to Brazil, don't buy your tickets with Varig!)

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