Monday, March 20, 2006

after church

After church last night we took a few pictures in Lucy's room. Lucy caught a little nap in Amy's arms during the mingling time at the end of the activities at church, so she was especially spry. She's sitting up well, has a new tooth and is eating all kinds of new things, including her feet.
Simon's in the other room right now learning about circles and Braden just finished writing a letter to a friend of his that lives in Birmingham. We've got some heavy rain coming in from over the mountains cooling things off a bit and hopefully clearing the sky for tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Que lindinha q ela estah!! E o Braden ja estah lendo!! To me sentindo velha! Eles estao mto lindos tambem! Estou com mta saudade da familia Dowdy!! :(
um grande abraco,