Monday, November 07, 2005

staff stimulus

Tomorrow afternoon Amy and I will be loading up our crew and some luggage and headed out for the rest of the week. This week is our annual staff stimulus... our once-a-year meeting with our staff team for a week of stimulus.

I'm super-excited about tomorrow night. This year we'll be meeting with Jim Petersen (works with the Navigators). He spent 18 years in Brazil during the 60's and 70's working with college students. Tomorrow night he's going to share hopefully about some of his experiences.

(Here's Jim pictured with a ministry team in Asia... he's the one in the denim shirt).

I recently finished his latest book, The Insider... Bringing the Kingdom of God into your everyday world. He's shares on an assortment of issues in the book and I highly encourage you to read it. Here's one interesting quote:

Are you looking for your calling, wondering what God wants you to do? You're surrounded! Some of your relationships are good, some are bad, but they all have potential for new meaning now that you're a citizen of the kingdom of God. Live out that citizenship...

That quote doesn't do it justice so just take my word for it. Please pray for our team this week that this time could bring needed encouragement and renewal with God, with our mission and with one another. Thanks.

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