Sunday, November 30, 2008


On Tuesday while I waited for the rest of the family to get home from school (I stayed home with Lucy who was coughing pretty bad... actually, she's just really good at playing hooky), the Crooms called. We made quick plans for a afternoon rendezvous and they drove down from Ashford, AL and spent a few hours with us.

We'd never met Ella or Nate, so it was fun to finally see them and steal some hugs. It was also great to see Chip and Shelley. After the visit we were ready to move back into our little three-bedroom house down in BarĂ£o Geraldo, Brazil.

A short movie of the kids playing in Brazil: Following the Leader, 2006.

1 comment:

--Shelley said...

OH that was so fun to watch that video and see BABY streed. I did not realize how little he was back then. Thanks for the impromptu "hostessing". We had a GREAT day! love yall lots!