Monday, March 03, 2008

camping at GiGi's

Friday we went camping (all of us, even Lucy) behind my grandmother's house. That may sound a little too tame, and I wish it'd been a little more. At least I wished at the time. Now it makes for a good blog.

So we get the camp set up. Everybody's sitting around the fire when I walk over to the woods (we were in the grass). I'm standing at the edge looking in with my headlamp when I hear this snorting sound followed by a splash.

I'm thinking, alligator!

I turned to Amy and the kids and said, stay by the fire. I walk over to the lake and try and shine my light out into the water. But the smoke from the fire keeps me from any distance on my light. The splashes keep coming and I start thinking beaver. But the doubt remains.

Finally, after an hour or so of "on edge" I spot the two culprits. Beavers, sure enough. I guess they wanted me off their land.


Anonymous said...

Jeff e Amy...
Estamos todos com saudades de vocês e suas crianças. É muito bom ver suas fotos e saber que vocês estão bem aí nos EUA.
Estamos juntos em oração!!!
Super abraço do Guy (Aloisio)

Heather Johnson said...

How exciting! I'm glad you guys are having a blast. I want to go camping so bad. I was going to go with my friend Stacey two weeks ago, but I got real sick and had to spend two days in bed instead.