Tuesday, February 07, 2006

project report

One word to sum up this year’s project? Transformation. As we looked at the process of immigration in the Kingdom of God (Col 1: 13-14), God did a work in each heart and life that was involved in the 3 week retreat in Saquarema, Brazil. Through daily Bible studies, training times, worship, soccer on the beach, a visit to a home for the elderly, eating gallons of ice cream, learning to body surf in the surf capital of Brazil, and a whole new depth of interaction with one another, God did more than we could imagine.

Danilo, a physical education student, is one of the students who began his process of immigration on the beach project and shared later how God brought him to cross the border and entrust his life to Christ. On the last day of the project, he shared a short testimony of how God was changing His life. The day he surrendered His life to Christ, Cristina (one of our staff), looked at him and said, “Wait, let me get my camera. I’ve never taken a picture of a new creation before.” Here is the picture from that day.

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